MicroConf Tactics: If You Got Fired During Big Tech Layoffs, Do This...
If you've been laid off from a big tech company, you may be considering starting your own business. But is it the right move for you? In this podcast, we'll explore the reasons to start a business, reasons not to, and four tips to increase your chance of success.
MicroConf Refresh Episode 68: From Idea to Billion Dollar SaaS Business with Jason Cohen
In this podcast, recorded at a MicroConf Local in Austin, Jason Cohen sits down with Rob Walling for a fireside chat at the WP Engine headquarters.
MicroConf Tactics: Got Your First 100 Customers, Now What? Scale SaaS Past 1,000 Customers
You got your first 100 customers, now what? How do you continue getting customers and keep them long term to reduce churn? Get more SaaS users with these simple strategies for scaling SaaS beyond 1000 customers.
MicroConf Tactics: Will The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Affect Your Startup?
Rob Walling and Einar Vollset, co-founders of TinySeed, a startup accelerator, will be going live for about 30 minutes to chat about the impact this news will have on startups, why the guarantee of deposits was necessary, and what steps you might consider to protect your startup going forward.
MicroConf Refresh: Capterra as an Acquisition Channel with Eran Galperin
In this audio from MicroConf Remote 5.0, Eran Galperin, founder of GymDesk, chats with Rob Walling about leveraging Capterra to find more customers for your SaaS app.
MicroConf Refresh: Battle Tested Methods for Getting More Signups Without More Marketing with Gia Laudi
In this talk from MicroConf Remote 5.0, Gia Laudi of Forget the Funnel walks through using customer surveys and Jobs to Be Done interviews to discover how your product helps your best customers, so that you can find more of those ideal customers.
MicroConf Refresh: The 7-Figure To Do List: 31 Tactics To Level-Up Your Business In 60 Minutes or Less with Rob Walling
In this talk from MicroConf Growth US 2022, Rob Walling walks through 31 quick tactics for that get outsized results in your business. The tactics are broken up into the following categories:
MicroConf Tactics: If I Had To Start Over, Here's 3 Steps I'd Take to $1M+ Revenue
If Rob was starting over today, here's 3 steps he'd take to $1M+ revenue.
In this audio from a recent YouTube video, Rob breaks down his stair step approach to bootstrapping a SaaS business. Check out his original article here: The Stair Step Method of Bootstrapping.
MicroConf Tactics: Validate Your SaaS Idea FAST (Step-by-Step SaaS Validation Process)
In under a month, you can validate your SaaS idea with this step-by-step SaaS idea validation process. This process is the perfect way to gather traffic and to see how many people are going to be interested in your product so you can decide if your idea is worth pursuing.
Rob Walling explains the process he would take to validate a new SaaS idea.
MicroConf Refresh: Ending Well: The Complex Psychology of Exiting Your Company with Dr. Sherry
Dr. Sherry Walling gives a keynote about the hard, less often talked about aspects of exiting a business.
It's important to mentally prepare for selling your business and she delivers a masterclass on going through the process with grace.
MicroConf Tactics: B2B vs B2C SaaS - Which Is More Profitable?
Should you build a B2B or B2C business model? What are the main differences between B2B and B2C SaaS?
Rob Walling explains how business-to-business and business-to-consumer SaaS models work and which will make you the most profit... Choose wisely.
MicroConf Refresh: Baking Marketing Into Your Product Roadmap
Patty Radford Henderson gives an attendee talk about how to integrate marketing into the different phases of launching and building a business.
MicroConf Tactics: SaaS Marketing Strategies Your Competitors Use To Crush You
Don't know what marketing tactics to use? Your competitors do and the are crushing you because of it.
Rob Walling walks through 7 ways for marketing SaaS to add to your arsenal if you're not using these yet.
MicroConf Refresh: Level Up Your Company with Community with Anna Maste
Anna Maste walks through how she and her mother used community to grow Boondockers Welcome.
Anna shares the 3 things that fostered amazing growth, even without a big marketing budget.
MicroConf Tactics: The #1 Reason Why Startups Fail - Don't Make This Mistake!!
Why do so many startups fail?
Rob Walling chats about the #1 reason he sees startups fail. It’s a relatively simple one to avoid, so don't make this common mistake! Listen until the end to also find out the #2 reason startups fail so you can avoid that too.
MicroConf Refresh: How to Craft a Story that Sells with April Dunford
April Dunford breaks down how to help your prospects buy your products. She explores how difficult it is for buyers to buy products, especially if they don't purchase your type of product on a regular basis. Your job is to help your customers make sense out of your offering, and to be a guide to help them purchase.
MicroConf Tactics: 7 NEW SaaS Ideas You Can Steal
In this episode, Rob lays out 7 SaaS ideas you can build right now + 1 bonus idea at the end.
MicroConf Refresh: Supporting Our Team in Ukraine While Building 4 Startups and 5 Client Apps
In this talk from MicroConf Growth US 2022, Andrew Amann, CEO of NineTwoThree Studio, shares how his company supported his team when war broke out in Ukraine.
MicroConf Tactics: 5 Secrets to Hiring Top Tier Talent for Your Startup
Looking to build a SaaS team full of superstars? Hire right the first time with these 5 secrets to hiring top tier talent.
Hiring for your startup can be a game changer with how far and fast you can grow.
MicroConf Refresh: How to Go To Market Across Many Verticals
In this talk from MicroConf Growth 2022, Asia Orangio of Demand Maven breaks down how you can bring more focus and zen to your GTM efforts — especially if your product has many use cases and verticals.