MicroConf began well over a decade ago as a small group of founders gathering in Las Vegas. Since then, we've become the world's most trusted community for non-venture track startup founders.

Since 2011, we’ve hosted 19 events with nearly 200 speakers, hosted thousands of attendees, and impacted tens of thousands more through our videos and online community.


The MicroConf Team

Rob Walling

Co-Founder (MicroConf) and General Partner (TinySeed)

Einar Vollset

General Partner (TinySeed)

Tracy Osborn

Head of Product

Ron Rod

Digital Production Manager

Lianna Patch

Marketing Manager

Sonia Leung

Event Producer

Colleen McGrath

Community Manager



Mailing Address for MiCroConf:

5123 W 98th St, Suite 1084, Minneapolis, MN 55437