Colleen Schnettler

Founder, SaaS Marketing gym


Colleen Schnettler is a Ruby on Rails developer, entrepreneur, and AI enthusiast. After bootstrapping several SaaS products—some successful, some… educational—she founded SaaS Marketing Gym to help technical founders get better at marketing.

Featured on this season’s TinySeed Tales, Colleen shares the highs, lows, and plot twists of launching, growing, and pivoting software businesses. She loves exploring new ideas and when she’s not coding or mentoring founders, she enjoys hiking, reading, and trying really, really hard to do a pull-up.


What Colleen Schnettler recommends you to check out

  • Read the TinyMBA and keep it on your desk for quick knowledge + inspiration.

  • Show up to things (meetups, conferences, etc) IN PERSON.

  • Read Never Split the Difference.

  • Have a secret list of people you want to work with someday so when the stars align you're ready.

  • How I build this podcast with Guy Raz.