Daniel Hebert Founder, SalesMVP Lab Inc

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Daniel has been working for SaaS startups for a dozen years. He has participated in numerous accelerators and incubators and has seen companies grow, and seen others fail.

He realized that there are tons of technical founders out there who are great at launching ideas. They come up with great products, but they struggle with sales.

So he has made it my life's mission to help early-stage startups do sales well.

Currently Founder at SalesMVP Lab and Head of GTM at Savio. Formerly Head of Sales Development at Q4, VP Sales at Proposify, and Sales & Marketing at LevelJump (acquired by Salesforce)."

5 Things Daniel Recommends You Check Out

1. Every founder needs to read Obviously Awesome and Sales P!tch by April Dunford
2. It's tough to exercise as a founder. Do a 5:3:1 bodyweight workout 3-5 times a week. Takes 15 minutes. 3-5 reps of pushups. 5 seconds down, 3 second hold, 1 second up. Same with squats. Repeat 5 times. It's worth it in between calls.
3. Secrets of Question Based Selling by Thomas A. Freese is a good book to understand how to ask compelling questions in sales.
4. Masterclass is great to learn how to cook great food.
5. Follow the FletchPMM guys on LinkedIn, they're great at positioning and messaging work. Anthony Pierri and Robert Kaminski